Understanding ownership in RustOwnership is Rust’s most unique feature, and it enables Rust to make memory safety guarantees without needing a garbage collectorSep 17, 202164Sep 17, 202164
How to install KDE Plasma on Void LinuxI already wrote an article about how to connect to Wi-Fi using wpa_supplicant on Void Linux.Apr 9, 2021171Apr 9, 2021171
How to connect to Wi-Fi from Terminal using wpa_supplicant on Void LinuxHow to connect to Wi-Fi from Terminal using wpa_supplicant on Void LinuxMar 27, 20216Mar 27, 20216
How to run Label Studio in a Docker Container with docker-composeLabel Studio is an “Open Source Data Labeling Tool” which I have recently discovered and that I’ve been using for the past days…..Mar 19, 20213Mar 19, 20213
How to scrape tweets using TweepyLast Tuesday, the “Sanremo Music Festival” kicked off. Let’s see how I used Tweepy to download tweets about #Sanremo2021Mar 4, 202170Mar 4, 202170
How to Run PostgreSQL and pgAdmin using DockerI’m writing this blog post to my future self. I’m sure that I will need this docker-compose.yml again.Feb 28, 202131Feb 28, 202131
Continuously Deploy a Hugo blog with GitHub Actions, Docker and a VPSIn this medium post I will explain how continuously Deploy a Hugo blog with GitHub Actions and Docker on a VPSNov 24, 202010Nov 24, 202010
How to remap your mouse keys using karabiner on macOSI’ve been using my MacBook Pro connected with an external monitor, keyboard and mouse for 3 months and I love this setup.Jun 9, 202051Jun 9, 202051
How to add a splash screen to your iOS app developed with FlutterI’ve been working with Flutter for a couple of months and I’ve just finished developing my first application. One of the last things that…Apr 13, 2020Apr 13, 2020
Come abbiamo avviato un podcast: dalla creazione del sito a Spotify e Apple PodcastA maggio del 2019 con Alessandro Berti e Eugenio Paluello abbiamo avviato un podcast.Apr 4, 2020Apr 4, 2020
Published inMac O’ClockHow to Remap the Touchbar Screenshot icon on your external keyboard using Karabiner on MacOSI have been using a MacBook pro with a TouchBar for 3 years and one the Touchbar’s feature that I mostly use is the possibility to quickly…Mar 19, 2020Mar 19, 2020
My Visual Studio Code setup [February 2019]I’ve been using Visual Studio Code for a few years now and in this Medium Post I want to share my current setup. I want to divide this…Feb 3, 2020Feb 3, 2020
Published inMac O’ClockHow to prevent macOS Catalina from sleeping when connected to an external monitorToday I want to post a simple tip about macOS Catalina and external displays. I bought a new external monitor and I’m using my MacBook Pro…Dec 30, 20193Dec 30, 20193
My Favourite Albums Of 2019It’s that period of the year again, It’s december and in a few days a new year will begin. In this post I want to talk about the (new)…Dec 29, 2019Dec 29, 2019
2020 ResolutionsSome days ago I wrote a Medium post about my 2019, today I want to publish a post about my resolutions for the new year.Dec 28, 2019Dec 28, 2019
Looking back on my 2019Today is Saturday, 21 December 2019 and in a few days we will say good bye to 2019, In this Medium post I want to look back on my 2019.Dec 21, 2019Dec 21, 2019
How to install Flutter on Mac (solving the errors with Xcode)I installed Flutter on my Mac some day ago and during the process I had some troubles caused by Xcode.Dec 15, 2019Dec 15, 2019
How to run a Python code as a Service using SystemctlEnglish is not my mother tongue and i’m trying to improve my knowledge, any feedback is appreciated.Oct 5, 20192Oct 5, 20192