How to install KDE Plasma on Void Linux

Apr 9, 2021


I already wrote an article about how to connect to Wi-Fi using wpa_supplicant on Void Linux.

In this post I want to briefly explain how to install KDE Plasma on Void Linux from terminal.

  • Update “xbps” with the command:

sudo xbps-install -u xbps

sudo xbps-install -Suv

  • Install Kde 5 with the following command:

xbps-install kde5 kde-baseapps xorg

  • Now run these two commands:

sudo ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /var/service

sudo ln -s /etc/sv/sddm /var/service

  • Reboot your pc with:

sudo reboot

  • This is the environment you’ll find:




Computer Science student 🎓👨🏻‍💻🎧