Label Studio is an “Open Source Data Labeling Tool” which I have recently discovered and that I’ve been using for the past days, you can find the source code on GitHub.

I’ll talk more in-depth about Label Studio in another medium post where I’ll focus on how I’m using this tool and on what you can do with it.
In this post, I’ll briefly explain to you how to run Label Studio in a Docker container.
If you have already read one of my previous posts on Medium, you should know that I’m a little bit obsessed with Docker, especially if I have to run software on my VPS. This reason led me to run Label Studio in a docker container.
I found the official docker image on Docker Hub with a tutorial to run the container but unfortunately, I had some problems.
I solved this problem by creating this docker-compose, in particular, the following part solved all my problem with the persistency of the data that I had with the official tutorials.
- ./mydata:/label-studio/data
This is the docker-compose.yml file that I used: